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Equity & Diversity

The Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA) sponsors programs and initiatives to foster equity and diversity in the availability of resources and opportunities for advancement, focused particularly on minority and women faculty. Follow the links below or to the left, for more information about each of these programs.

Faculty Diversity Scholar Program (FDSP): this program supports the recruitment and career advancement of faculty from diverse backgrounds that are underrepresented in the health sciences.

Joy McCann Professorship: a three-year Professorship to identify and reward female faculty leadership in medical education, research, patient care and community service. 

Projects and programs created by recipients of the Professorship include the EMPOWER Summit and the Equip Program.

Women's Faculty Committee: The mission of the Women’s Faculty Committee is to address the needs of women faculty and promote the status of women at UMass Chan Medical School and in the UMass Memorial Health Care clinical system.