Sabbatical Leaves
The purpose of the sabbatical is to provide a Faculty Member with an uninterrupted opportunity to pursue scholarly activities, gain new skills and knowledge, and/or enhance their professional development. Faculty Members are expected to commit sufficient effort to complete the activities proposed for the sabbatical.
All Employed Faculty (APP, Article 5) are eligible for a sabbatical, with the exception of UMass Chan-Employed Professionally-Salaried Faculty (APP, Section 5.2.a.ii). Eligible individuals must have at least six years of full or part time service as a UMass Chan Faculty Member, and must not have taken a sabbatical leave in the previous seven years. Requests for sabbatical by Faculty Employed by UMMHC or a University-Approved External Foundation or Agency are subject to approval by UMMHC or the external foundation or agency.
Faculty with part time service are eligible for a sabbatical as follows:
i. Full time Faculty previously on part-time appointments are given prorated credit for part time service (e.g., eight years at 1/2 time plus two years at full-time equals six years) and will be eligible for a sabbatical based on their current full-time salary; or
ii. Part-time Faculty will are eligible for a sabbatical based on part-time salary after six years of part time service.
i. The Faculty Member submits a written application for a sabbatical to the chair, director of a Non-Department Unit, T.H. Chan School of Medicine Dean or Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing Dean (as applicable). The application must include the following:
a) A description of the activities proposed for the sabbatical;
b) An assessment of the importance of these activities to the Faculty Member's career goals and the potential benefits to the Department and the School; and
c) A description of any scholarships, fellowships, or grants and any other salaried employment or external compensation that the Faculty Member will receive during the sabbatical. Such compensated activities must not conflict with the Faculty Member’s commitment to the activities proposed for the sabbatical.
ii. A Faculty Member may request one of the following options for a sabbatical:
a) Full salary for 6 months (which includes 2 weeks of vacation);
b) Half salary for 12 months (which includes 4 weeks of vacation); or
c) Half salary for two non-consecutive 6-month periods (each including 2 weeks of vacation).
Review and Approval
i. The chair, Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing Dean or director reviews the application and, if they approve, submits their recommendation to the Provost or their designee for faculty affairs and, for UMMHC-Employed Faculty, to the CEO of UMMHC or their designee.
ii. The Provost (and, as applicable, the President of UMMMG), makes the decision to approve the sabbatical following considerations that may include, but are not limited to, the proposed activities, the recommendation of the director or dean, any compensation that the applicant will receive during the sabbatical, and the availability of funds to support the sabbatical.
Requirement for Return
Recipients of a sabbatical must return to duty as a UMass Chan Faculty Member for at least one year of service immediately following the expiration of the leave. A Faculty Member may submit a written request to the Provost or their designee for faculty affairs to postpone the required return for a period no longer than the length of the sabbatical. This request must include the rationale for postponement and an acknowledgment by the Faculty Member that their obligation to return for a full year of service remains in effect. Failure to return obligates the Faculty Member to refund any salary received during sabbatical.
The Sabbatical Report
Each recipient must submit, upon their return, a written report of their activities and the progress achieved on the goals of the sabbatical to the Provost’s designee for faculty affairs and, as applicable, the chair, dean and director. This report must be evaluated in the Faculty Member’s next APR.
Sabbatical & Leave of Absence Application Form (Word Document) - to be completed by the Faculty Member