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(See APP, Section 3.15)

In accordance with the University of Massachusetts Policy for Awarding Emeritus Status (Doc. T93-054, as amended), emeritus status is awarded to a Faculty Member who has permanently retired. Normally, emeritus status is granted only to an individual who has served as a UMass Chan Medical School Faculty Member for ten or more years and who has attained the rank of Professor.

In accordance with the Academic Personnel Policy of the UMass Chan Medical School (Doc. T95-022, as amended), Employed Faculty (Article 5) and Affiliate Faculty (Article 6.3) are eligible. Emeritus status is designated by the Chancellor upon recommendation of the Provost, following a written request by the chair, T.H. Chan School of Medicine Dean or Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing Dean (as applicable). The term “Emeritus” follows the academic rank or title (e.g., Professor Emeritus of Department; Chair Emeritus of Department) and is an honorific designation.