MBCL Reagent Program
We offer reagent discounts on items such as TAQMAN reagents, qPCR reagents, enzymes, etc. from:
- ThermoFisher (Ambion & Life Technologies/Applied Biosystems/ABI)
- Empirical Bioscience (free on-campus delivery)
Pricing is discounted, and there are no shipping fees. There is an on-campus delivery fee for LifeTech/Ambion reagents. Reagents are delivered to your mailbox in most cases, and you will be notified by email when your item arrives.
If you have any questions or suggestions for items to be stocked on site, please email us.
Ordering Instructions:

Place orders for any ABI, Ambion, or Empirical product through the MBCL by completing the downloadable order form and emailing it to us at MBCL@umassmed.edu.
Download the Life Technologies order form here ( form )
For Empirical orders, please email the MBCL for a form and pricing.
Or place an order by sending an email with the following information:
- Name
- Lab or PI
- Speed Type (campus charge account number)
- Item(s) you want to order - Catalog number, quantity/size, brief description
- Delivery Instructions - PICK-UP at the MBCL fridge/freezer in 2 Biotech in the hallway outside of Suite 207 or DELIVERY to a main campus mailroom.
At this time we can only deliver to the Main campus or the Maple Ave campus; our apologies to other locations.
Taqman Resources:
TaqMan Assays - Browse the TaqMan Gene Expression, Copy Number, and MicroRNA Assays at these sites:
TaqMan Assays are shipped at ambient temperature, ref here.
Canceling an order:

If you need to cancel an order, please email MBCL@umassmed.edu as soon as possible. The MBCL cannot guarantee that an order cancellation will be in time and is not responsible for the cost of such orders.
We also offer discounted IDT oligo ordering!
Visit our Oligo Ordering page!