The Fragment Analyzer trace is part of the initial QC done by the core lab before your sample is put on one of the next-gen sequencers. If you request it, we will send a copy to you for your information and as part of your data set.
If there is a problem with your sample which might affect it's performance, we will contact you before running and you have the opportunity to adjust the sample (concentrate it, further size-select, etc). A quick response (within 48 hours please) to this is important to keep your sample moving through the queue. If we do not hear back from you, the Core will make a judgment call on moving forward with the analysis.
You are not billed for the Fragment Analyzer analysis, which is part of sample QC. However, if a user submits samples in order to get Fragment Analyzer info before moving forward, or to assist in the selection of libraries to have sequenced vs withdrawn, and then removes sample(s) from the Deep Sequencing queue: we will invoice for the Fragment Analyzer run(s), as these use reagents and resources. You will be billed to cover the QC costs and a processing fee. If you need to see how your library looks when finished, or better yet during stages of construction, we strongly recommend using the MBCL service.
If you want to have samples run on the Fragment Analyzer for any reason, the MBCL offers a very economical service for RNA and DNA/genomic samples (