Mueller Lab for Gene Therapy in the news
Friday, November 18, 2016
We are thrilled to be featured in the Fall 2016 edition of the Alpha-1-to-one magazine, the official magazine of the Alpha-1 Foundation.

Our "Better Alpha Mouse" is mentioned on the cover and there is a short story on Dr Mueller and our lab's research on page 14, about our new AAT knockout mouse model. To read more about this mouse model, click here!
"Christian Mueller, PhD, of the UMass Chan Medical School says that PiZ mice have helped to study Alpha-1 liver disease, but no mouse model has been able to model Alpha-1 lung disease.
Not till now.
Mueller says the UMass lab has created what they believe is the first complete knockout of alpha-1 protein - a mouse producing no AAT at all. Mueller will use the new mouse to investigate cell and gene therapies for Alpha-1 lung disease."