Support our research and win a visit to our lab
Saturday, April 02, 2016
The Mueller Lab for Gene Therapy is happy to introduce a new program aimed at thanking our donors. Because sometimes, a simple thank you is not enough, we have decided that each quarter, we will randomly pick one person among the list of donors. This list will include everyone who made a donation to support our research through our website - no matter the amount - within the last three calendar months.
This person will be invited to visit us in Worcester, MA with 3 guests of their choice. During the visit, they will attend a special mini research symposium focused on our research programs and detailing our latest results. This will be tailored to the interests of the group. They will also meet some of the lab members and get a guided tour to our lab during which they'll be able to observe ongoing experiments.
We hope that you all like this new program! Our first guest will be announced in July!