2016 Celtic Connection
Like every year, the Mueller Lab attended the 2016 Celtic Connection in support of the Alpha-1 Foundation and Alpha-1 research. This year, the event raised over $115,000!
2016 Shillelagh Award goes to Chris Mueller
At the end of the night, Chris Mueller received the 2016 Alpha-1 Foundation Shillelagh Award, and he even got to take home his own, personalized shillelagh.
“The planning committee generally chooses some of our leading Alpha-1 researchers and doctors for the Shillelagh award,” said Angela McBride, the Foundation’s Director of Community Outreach, “and we are delighted to honor these doctors who have helped to make the University of Massachusetts a leader in both research and care for the Alpha-1 community.” - See more at: http://www.alpha1.org/Newly-Diagnosed/More-Alpha-1-Resources/News/ArtMID/5952/ArticleID/6785/2016-Celtic-Connection-to-honor-UMass-Medical-School-clinician-and-researcher#sthash.uGtrSK1w.dpuf
“The planning committee generally chooses some of our leading Alpha-1 researchers and doctors for the Shillelagh award,” said Angela McBride, the Foundation’s Director of Community Outreach, “and we are delighted to honor these doctors who have helped to make the University of Massachusetts a leader in both research and care for the Alpha-1 community.” - See more at: http://www.alpha1.org/Newly-Diagnosed/More-Alpha-1-Resources/News/ArtMID/5952/ArticleID/6785/2016-Celtic-Connection-to-honor-UMass-Medical-School-clinician-and-researcher#sthash.uGtrSK1w.dpuf
“The planning committee generally chooses some of our leading Alpha-1 researchers and doctors for the Shillelagh award,” said Angela McBride, the Foundation’s Director of Community Outreach, “and we are delighted to honor these doctors who have helped to make the University of Massachusetts a leader in both research and care for the Alpha-1 community.” - See more at: http://www.alpha1.org/Newly-Diagnosed/More-Alpha-1-Resources/News/ArtMID/5952/ArticleID/6785/2016-Celtic-Connection-to-honor-UMass-Medical-School-clinician-and-researcher#sthash.uGtrSK1w.dpuf
“The planning committee generally chooses some of our leading Alpha-1 researchers and doctors for the Shillelagh award,” said Angela McBride, the Foundation’s Director of Community Outreach, “and we are delighted to honor these doctors who have helped to make the University of Massachusetts a leader in both research and care for the Alpha-1 community.”

Dr Mueller (left) received the 2016 Alpha-1 Foundation Shillelagh Award from Gordon Cadwgan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Alpha-1 Foundation (center), together with Dr Kopec (right).
Gordon E. Cadwgan
More about the Alpha-1 Foundation Shillelagh Award
The shillelagh is a traditional Celtic weapon associated with Ireland. This award symbolizes the battle that Alpha-1 doctors, researchers and leadership wage in the war against Alpha-1.
Previous recipients of this prestigious award include Terry Flotte and Darrell Kotton (2010), Gordon Snider (2011), Gerry McElvaney (2012), Sandy Sandhaus and Ed Silverman (2013), Gerry Turino and Andrew Wilson (2014), Bartolome Celli and John & Fred Walsh (2015).