GS-Preprocess (2021)

GS-Preprocess Website

GS-Preprocess is a simple, 5-argument pipeline that generates input data for the GUIDEseq Bioconductor package from raw Illumina sequencer output. For off-target profiling, Bioconductor GUIDEseq only requires a 2-line guideRNA fasta, demultiplexed BAM files of "plus"- and "minus"-strands, and Unique Molecular Index (UMI) references for each read. The latter two are produced by GS-Preprocess.

Rodríguez TC, Dadafarin S, Pratt HE, Liu P, Amrani N, Zhu LJ. Genome-wide detection and analysis of CRISPR-Cas off-targets. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 2021; 181:31-43. PMID: 34127199.