Wang Lab

The Wang Lab is interested in transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms that control brown fat fate determination and maintenance.  They explore whether the identified mechanisms can be utilized to convert white fat to brown-like fat, with the goal to reveal potential therapeutic targets for obesity and associated metabolic diseases.

  • Pan et al. (2014) MicroRNA-378 controls classical brown fat expansion to counteract obesity.  Nat Commun, 5:4725 . 
  • Pan et al. (2012) The histone demethylase Jhdm1a regulates hepatic gluconeogenesis.  PLoS Genet, 8(6):e1002761.
  • Pan et al. (2009) Twist-1 is a PPARdelta-inducible, negative-feedback regulator of PGC-1alpha in brown fat metabolism. Cell, 137(1):73-86.