Improving Implementation of Risk-Need-Responsivity: Service Accessibility for Justice-Involved Transition Age Youth with Serious Mental Health Conditions

Dates: 9/01/2024 - 8/31/2026

Funder: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research

Project Team: Gina M. Vincent (PI), PhD, Spencer G. Lawson (Co-PI), PhD, and Jennifer Pendleton, MA

Description: This mixed-methods study aims to assess the implementation of Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) in reducing reoffending and enhancing community participation among young adults with mental health concerns who have been involved in the criminal-legal system. RNR involves evaluating individuals' reoffending risk factors, addressing those risk factors that underly their criminal behavior, and tailoring services to their specific needs, including mental health conditions when applicable.

The research objectives include:

  1. identifying gaps in matching services to risk factors (needs)
  2. understanding implementation barriers and facilitators at system, provider, and participant levels
  3. proposing practical solutions
  4. examining how these barriers and solutions differ between rural and urban communities. By addressing these objectives, the study aims to offer insights into enhancing community participation of young adults involved in the legal system in rural and urban communities by improving accessibility to risk-reduction and mental health services