All Simulation Courses: Catalog
ALL Simulation Courses: Catalog
The UMass Chan interprofessional Center for Experiential Learning and Simulation (iCELS) offers multi-modal, high fidelity, hands-on learning sessions, facilitated by educators with advanced training in education, clinical and simulation skills. Experiences may be offered on UMass Chan campus in Worcester, MA, onsite at your location, online, or both. Working with our simulation team, most courses can be adapted and paired with our standardized patients or procedural skills training programs to develop unique courses that are tailored to meet your team's needs. Opportunities for continuing education credit are also available and customizable on request. Let us help you. What skill is your team currently looking to master?

Continuing Medical Education (CME) Certifications
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
The American Heart Association ACLS course is designed for medical providers such as physicians, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, paramedics, respiratory therapists, and other professionals whose daily occupation requires them to either direct or participate in the resuscitation of a patient, whether in or out of hospital. The University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School is authorized as a Training Center for the Advanced Cardiac Life Support Program by the American Heart Association (AHA).
ACLS CME Certification Details & Registration: Visit the UMass Chan Medical School Office of Continuing Medical Education page
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
Sponsored by the Office of Continuing Medical Education (OCME) and the UMass Chan Department of Surgery, and meeting the standards of the American College of Surgeons, the ATLS course is designed to train physicians who are in a position to provide the first hours of emergency care to trauma victims. The nineteen-hour course utilizes didactic lectures and practical skill stations in order to effectively teach the principles of rapid, effective assessment and stabilization. Successful candidates will be awarded four-year certification. All courses are conducted according to the guidelines of the American College of Surgeons.
ATLS CME Certification Details & Registration: Visit the UMass Chan Medical School Office of Continuing Medical Education page
Basic Life Support (BLS) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for Healthcare Providers
The BLS course is designed to provide a wide variety of healthcare professionals the ability to recognize several life-threatening emergencies, provide CPR, use an AED, and relieve choking in a safe, timely and effective manner. The University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School is authorized as a Training Center for the Basic Life Support Program by the American Heart Association.
BLS CME Certification Details & Registration: Visit the UMass Chan Medical School Office of Continuing Medical Education page
Fundamentals of Critical Care Support (FCCS)
The FCCS Curriculum is intended to introduce principles important in the initial care of critically ill/injured patients to physicians, physicians-in-training, nurses, and other healthcare providers who may or may not be skilled in critical care but who must care for such patients during early stabilization and in anticipation of the arrival of an intensivists, specialist or pending transfer of the patient to a tertiary center.
FCCS CME Certification Details & Registration: Visit the UMass Chan Medical School Office of Continuing Medical Education page
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
The American Heart Association PALS course is designed for medical providers such as physicians, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, paramedics, respiratory therapists, and other professionals whose daily occupation requires them to either direct or participate in the resuscitation of a pediatric patient, whether in or out of hospital. The University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School is authorized as a Training Center for the Pediatric Advanced Life Support Program by the American Heart Association (AHA).
PALS CME Certification Details & Registration: Visit the UMass Chan Medical School Office of Continuing Medical Education page
Customizeable Team-Based Skills
Client-Specific / Targeted Simulation
Needs assessment completed by your staff and iCELS simulation educators to develop custom healthcare-based simulation exercises to promote teamwork, test clinical pathways and processes, identify gaps in patient care and experience, improve quality or address sentinel events.
Duration: Customized to Your Educational Objectives
Crisis Resource Management
Team based training to develop non-technical skills during interprofessional care. Focusing on leadership, communication, teamwork and situational awareness, learners will review and practice strategies to optimize team-based care.
Duration: 4-8 hours or customizable
Precipitous Delivery
Review concepts and care of the patient presenting in imminent delivery including uncomplicated vaginal delivery, shoulder dystocia, breech presentation, and post-partum hemorrhage.
Duration: 8 hours or customizable
Rapid Response
Team-based scenarios to identify patients who require escalation of care and life-saving interventions. Leadership, role clarity and communication are re-enforced to help better prepare clinical staff to mitigate Can be coordinated with the Office of Continuing Medical Education to deliver American Heart Association Advanced Cardiac Life Support certification.
Duration: 4-8 hours or customizable
Team-based scenarios to develop mastery of cardiac resuscitation and post-arrest care. Can be coordinated with the Office of Continuing Medical Education to deliver American Heart Association Advanced Cardiac Life Support certification.
Duration: 4-8 hours or customizable
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Patient Care Procedural Skills
Structured deliberate practice training sessions for individuals or groups with individual deliberate practice.
Airway Management
Basic and Advanced airway skills including a review of oxygen delivery devices, oro/naso pharyngeal airways, patient positioning and optimization, laryngoscopy, supraglottic airways, and surgical cricothyroidotomy.
Duration: 4 hours
Arterial Line Placement
Ultrasound and landmark based arterial cannulation for invasive blood pressure monitoring and arterial blood sampling.
Duration: 1 hour
Central Venous Catheter Placement
Ultrasound guided internal jugular and ultrasound assisted subclavian CVC placement training. Training inclusive of patient selection, informed consent, and deliberate practice of CVL placement.
Duration: 3 hours
Direct and Video Laryngoscopy
Laryngoscopy using direct and video-assisted techniques.
Duration: 2 hours
Intraosseous IV Placement
Intraosseous therapy training on simulated upper and lower extremities. Best practices in the placement and use of IO lines.
Duration: 1 hour
Intravenous (IV) Line Placement
Intravenous therapy training on simulated upper extremities. Best practices in the placement and use of IV lines.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Lumbar Puncture
Landmark based identification and practice of lumbar puncture, landmark and ultrasound-based.
Duration: 2 hours
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Donning and Doffing
PPE practice for sterile procedures i.e., operating room and CVC placement.
Duration: 45 minutes
Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)
Basic and advanced training designed for novice and experienced providers reinforcing basic and new concepts in ultrasound-based assessment and procedures. Learners will use static models and live models to enhance their comfort with point-of-care ultrasound examinations. Courses can be tailored to the target audience.
Duration: Customized to Your Educational Objectives
Transvenous Cardiac Pacing
Transvenous cardiac pacing training on simulated torso. Best practices in the placement and use of transvenous pacing lines. This training can be adapted to teach internal jugular cordis catheter placement followed transvenous wire advancement and discussion of adjusting a transvenous pacer to increase cardiac output.
Duration: 1-3 hours
Tube and Finger Thoracostomy
Needle decompression followed by finger thoracostomy and chest tube placement in a simulated torso.
Duration: 2 hours
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Non-Procedural Clinical Skills
Structured training sessions for individuals or groups with individual deliberate practice and assessment working with our trained Standardized Patients. Patient communication and examination skills development and assessment:
All Patient Communication Skills (History-taking, Shared Decision-making, Behavioral Counseling)
For clinical scenarios including, but not limited to: primary care, internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, geriatrics, obstetrics & gynecology, neurology, psychiatry, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physical therapy, nursing, microaggressions, intimate partner violence, substance use disorder incl opioids, alcohol
Duration: Customized to Your Educational Objectives
Disclosure & Apology
Learners review and discuss the Massachusetts General Law Disclosure, Apology and Offer. A recording of a simulated near miss in a clinical setting is viewed and learners assume the roles of the medical team. The team gathers for a team huddle before simulating a disclosure and apology session with iCELS educators and Standardized Patients. The experience is then debriefed and opportunities to build upon and improve communication are discussed before engaging in more deliberate practice.
Duration: 4 hours
Equitable Communication
Practice-based training to enhance cultural awareness, build cultural competence and practice equitable communication to improve team, clinical and research communication. Programs can be in-person, hybrid or virtual and may incorporate standardized patients.
Duration: 2-6 hours
Focused or Full Body Physical Exam (PE)
With or without an accompanying case scenario
Duration: Customized to Your Educational Objectives
Gynecological Exam
Instructions and patient practice on UMass Chan certified Gynecological Teaching Associates (GTAs) in a supportive healthcare education environment that prioritizes patient dignity and safety
Duration: Customized to Your Educational Objectives
Male Urogenital Exam
Instructions and patient practice on UMass Chan certified Male Urogenital Teaching Associates (MUTAs) in a supportive healthcare education environment that prioritizes patient dignity and safety
Duration: Customized to Your Educational Objectives
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Faculty / Educator Development
A faculty/educator program offered to build critical skills in simulation and debriefing applicable to ongoing on-site teamwork and quality improvement.
I. Introduction to Healthcare-Based Simulation
Duration: 1 hour
II. Basic Concepts of Simulation-Based Debriefing
Duration: 3 hours
III. Advanced Concepts of Simulation-Based Debriefing
Duration: 4 hours
IV. Simulation and Scenario Design
Duration: 3 hours
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Frequently Asked Questions
About The Courses
What are all the courses available at UMass Chan Medical School iCELS?
The UMass Chan interprofessional Center for Experiential Learning and Simulation (iCELS) gives you access to a range of courses, whether to obtain Cotinuing Medical Education Certifications, to develop Team-based Skills, Patient Care Procedural Skills, Non-Procedural Clininical Skills, to participate in Faculty/Educator Development Programs, or to meet other customized goals. If you have not had a chance yet, please browse our All Simulation Courses Catalog to get started. We look forward to meeting you soon!
When will this course take place again?
Please check with your organization's person-in-charge, or drop us a note at
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