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Immigration ServicesImmigration Services

The Immigration Services Office is dedicated to advocating for foreign students, scholars, and employees within the university and to federal regulatory agencies. We ensure they have every opportunity to achieve their educational objectives while maintaining university compliance with immigration-related regulations.

We facilitate the legal entry and transition of international members and provide opportunities for intercultural education and exchange. Our goal is to foster greater understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures and traditions through educational and cultural programs.

We are committed to excellent customer service, providing accurate information, and being knowledgeable about immigration changes. We are approachable, helpful, and collaborate with departments, colleagues, and the international population to support them throughout their immigration journeys.

Our unique contributions include navigating complex regulatory landscapes, bridging communication gaps between culturally diverse teams, and proactively identifying regulatory risks. We demonstrate a caring approach during crises and offer programs to promote connection, inclusion, and intercultural engagement. We also provide training for campus staff on international regulations and guidelines.

We serve as advocates for our international community, empowering them to take responsibility for their own journeys while providing the necessary tools and support.

 Find us in the Medical School Building
Room S5-109

ISO walk-in hours:
Tuesdays and Thursday
 10am - 12pm and 1pm - 4pm
Virtual or in-person advising also available by appointment.

Immigration Forums occur quarterly and will be announced in advance through our distribution list.

Follow Us On Social Media
Instagram @umass_chan_immigration_office