Program Contacts
Phone: 7744553694
Robert C. Brewster, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Systems Biology and Department of Microbiology and Physiological Systems
Dissecting and Understanding the Implications of Resource Sharing to Cellular Decision Making My group studies transcriptional regulation in bacteria through a combination of theory, using molecularly detailed statistical mechanics models to produce quantitative predictions, and the tools of modern synthetic biology to design and test these predictions using a wide range of microscopy techniques. In particular, I am interested in understanding how the interconnected environment of the cell, where most regulatory players (transcription factor proteins, regulatory RNAs, etc.) act on dozens or even hundreds of different genes, can influence the special and temporal patterns of gene expression
Job Dekker, PhD
Joseph J. Byrne Chair in Biomedical Research, Professor Department of Systems Biology, Professor Biochemistry & Molecular Biotechnology, Investigator Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Molecular and biophysical mechanisms of chromosome folding We are interested in understanding the folding of genomes in three dimensions, and the molecular machines that fold chromosomes. The lab combines molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, genomics, computational approaches, and polymer physics to study how genomes fold and function in a range of organisms. Our work has led to insights into the formation of chromatin loops involved in long-range gene regulation, the organization of the interphase nucleus, the structure of metaphase chromosomes, and general folding principles of genomes. Recently, we have started exploring chromosome folding mechanisms in organisms with unusual genome organizations, such as dinoflagellates

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