The Thesis Advisor is not a member of the Qualifying Exam Committee (QEC).
All members of the Qualifying Exam Committee (QEC) must be primary members of the Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences faculty. Affiliate Faculty are not permitted to serve on a QEC. No QEC member can be the current or former spouse or a relative of the student or the dissertation advisor.
The QE committee Chair and the GE must be a tenured Associate Professor or Professor. Neither the Chair nor the GE may be co-advisor, co-author, or have or have had any collaborations of any kind with the student. Any collaborations between other members of the QE committee and the student must be declared at the time of committee selection.
The final QE committee selection, including the Chair, will be approved by the student’s program director and the Dean. No portion of the QE may proceed without approval of the QE committee by the Dean.