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Questions, concerns, or just want to connect?

Dr. Ayobami

Contact Funmi Ayobami, PhD 

GSBS Associate Dean for Student Success and Engagement

Office hours:

Mondays (In-person or Virtual) | 3:00 - 4:45PM

Tuesdays (Virtual only) | 3:00 - 4:45PM

Thursdays (In-person or Virtual) | 3:00 - 4:45PM

Book an appointment

Confidentiality Statement

Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Office for Student Success and Engagement does not share confidential information without consent or without legal or ethical justification. In addition to making this public statement of our confidentiality, we make every effort in appointments and meetings to:

  • Indicate the level of confidentiality we can provide
  • Provide in-the-moment reminders of our level of confidentiality and its potential limitations
  • Anticipate foreseeable circumstances where confidential information must be disclosed
  • Work with colleagues to maintain the level of confidentiality requested to the extent possible

Important limitations to our confidentiality include:

  • Issues related to Title IX (discrimination, assault, abuse, harassment) are reported to the Title IX Coordinator
  • Imminent potential threat of serious harm to self or other
  • The Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Asst/Assoc Dean of Student Affairs is a Campus Security Authority for UMass Chan and is required to report potential criminal acts in accordance with the Clery Act

Questions about the level of confidentiality we are able to provide in particular circumstances are welcome.


Quick Guide to Student Support
UMass Chan Medical School-wide resources for students and best practices to serve a student in distress
Report Mistreatment

UMass Chan prioritizes respectful treatment of all members of our community. For concerns about mistreatment in the learning environment, please click the link above.