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Preparing and Coordinating Submissions

There are several things to consider before starting a proposal:


  • Submission of proposals, particularly to local agencies and organizations, are planned well in advance of deadlines.
  • In order to give the project the best chance of success, multiple proposals from the same applicant should generally be avoided. Any opportunities that limit UMass Chan's overall number of applicants for a given cycle are managed by the Office of Research through the Limited Submissions process.
  • Institutional priorities are developed and strategized in coordination with administration.

Funder Information

  • Be familiar with what they have funded recently and timely announcements of new interests.
  • Deadlines and guidelines change from cycle to cycle and across different opportunities.
  • Make sure to have up-to-date information on submission requirements.

Departmental and Organizational Approval

  • Proposed projects should have the approval of the department head and any other departments which would be called on to support the endeavor.
  • Unauthorized proposals could jeopardize the likelihood of funding.
  • Know whether additional space would be required and if it would be available for use.
  • Consider personnel needs for the success of the project and if they are accounted for in budgets and any hiring plans.
  • Private foundations typically do not provide any or much allowance for overhead and indirect costs, so support must be provided by the department. Ensure the proposed project will not create a burden on departmental budgets or resources.

Institutional and Other Organizational Information

  • The Corporate and Foundation Relations team will help obtain financial statements, IRS forms, lists of trustees and other standard institutional background information for proposals. View several commonly requested documents.

Budget and Project Costs

  • The careful construction of the budget with detailed cost estimates and realistic figures cannot be underestimated.
  • A funder will look for a concise and clear budget and a plan for sustainability beyond their initial funding. 
  • Consider what—if any—indirect costs the foundation allows for, and ensure budgeting reflects a full accounting for overhead. 

Please contact the Corporate and Foundation Relations team in the Office of Advancement if you need assistance.