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News from the UMass Diabetes Center of Excellence

  • Friday, January 24, 2025 Jennifer Wang Interferon paper with Wura Arowosegbe, PhD

    Jennifer Wang Lab Sheds Light on Interferon Signaling in Diabetes

    The laboratory of physician-scientist Jennifer Wang, MD, investigated the role of interferons in type 1 diabetes, discovering that type I interferon signaling is not the sole driver of the disease. Their newly published study tested JAK inhibitors like ruxolitinib. They found a potential preventative treatment that blocked diabetes development in their novel rat models of T1D, highlighting the complex interplay of immune factors in the disease's progression.

  • Friday, November 01, 2024 Scientists in the Breakthrough T1D Center of Excellence in New England

    Genetically Engineering Human Beta Cells as a Potential Therapeutic Cure for Type 1 Diabetes

    Scientists in the Breakthrough T1D Center of Excellence in New England are collaborating to create a stem cell-derived beta cell replacement therapy that would be invisible to the immune system and provide insulin independence for people with type 1 diabetes.  The team is led by David Harlan, MD, and includes 10 scientists from the Diabetes Center of Excellence at UMass Chan Medical School.

  • Wednesday, October 23, 2024 Ekaterina Korobkina fat metabolism study

    Guertin Lab Publication in Nature Discovers New Information About Brown Fat Metabolism

    A newly published study in Nature Metabolism from the laboratory of David Guertin, PhD, contributed to understanding brown fat metabolism and could potentially lead to new approaches for managing metabolic disorders.  The research, led by graduate student Kate Korobkina, provides new insights into mitigating mitochondrial stress and the connection between dietary carbohydrates and heat production in brown fat.

  • Friday, October 11, 2024 Glucose Management in Pregnancy

    Studying Blood Glucose Management During Pregnancy to Improve the Health of Mothers and Children

    The 2024 Herman G. Berkman Diabetes Clinical Innovation Fund grant was awarded to Gianna Wilkie, MD, to conduct a clinical study at UMass Memorial Medical Center of pregnant women with type 2 diabetes comparing continuous glucose monitoring to multiple daily fingersticks to check blood sugars.  It will include maternal blood glucose control, patient satisfaction, and other perinatal outcomes.

  • Wednesday, October 09, 2024 Adipocyte cell image

    Study to Boost Energy Production in Fat Cells Could Lead to Weight Maintenance Therapies

    The research laboratory of Silvia Corvera, MD identified ways to increase energy production in brown and beige adipocytes.  It could lead to new therapeutic approaches for obesity, diabetes, and other metabolic disorders by enhancing thermogenesis in existing adipocytes.
  • Tuesday, August 20, 2024 Lou Messina Type 2 diabetes research UMass Chan Medical School

    Investigating the Effects of High Cholesterol on Artery Development in the Messina Lab

    A study from the laboratory of Louis Messina, MD, published in JVS-Vascular Science, explored how hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol) can affect the growth of new blood vessels (collateral arteries), that are important for maintaining blood flow when main arteries are clogged.  This is particularly relevant for conditions including peripheral arterial disease (PAD), where clogged arteries in the legs can lead to serious complications, including limb loss. People living with type1 and type 2 diabetes are at increased risk to develop PAD.


  • Friday, August 16, 2024 Nate Farrington Diabetes Rainbow Report

    Six Sigma Project Reduced Prescription Wait Times and Increased Efficiency in the Endocrinology & Diabetes Clinics

    Nate Farrington is Supervisor of the Endocrinology & Diabetes care teams, overseeing operations at the Ambulatory Care Center on the University Campus, and the newly renovated Endocrinology and Metabolic Weight Clinics downtown Worcester. His recent Six Sigma Green Belt lean project has improved efficiency by reducing prescription wait times by more than 80%.  Nate has been sharing his productivity tool with other UMass Memorial departments, and he received two grants to help further his education. 

  • Tuesday, July 23, 2024 Fatty Liver Disease and Diabetes

    Understanding Liver Disease and Its Connection to Type 2 Diabetes

    UMass Memorial Diabetologist Madona Azar, MD, explains the connection between type 2 diabetes and liver disease. Understanding the risk of developing this common yet underrecognized condition is essential to treating it.

  • Friday, July 19, 2024 Michael Brehm and Dale Greiner UMass Chan Diabetes Research

    Developing Improved Models for Cutting-Edge Immune Cell Studies to Accelerate Disease Treatments in the Brehm & Greiner Laboratories

    The laboratories of Michael Brehm, PhD, and Dale Greiner, PhD, are leading a multisite collaboration that has been approved for a four-year grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to create cutting-edge humanized mouse resources to support the efficient development of human tissue resident macrophages in disease relevant models. 

  • Thursday, June 20, 2024 UMass Memorial Diabetic Health Outreach Clinic for Worcester's Underserved Community

    UMass Memorial Diabetic Health Outreach Clinic for Worcester's Underserved Community

    The 8th biannual Diabetes Foot & Health Care Clinic for the underserved community was held at South Middlesex Non-Profit Housing Corporation in Leominster organized by vascular surgeon & diabetes scientist Tammy Nguyen, MD.  All attendees received a foot exam, blood sugar, lipid & BMI testing, wound care and other health resources.  They were also each given sneakers, socks and a hot meal. The first of these bi-annual multidisciplinary outreach clinics was on World Diabetes Day in 2020 and are now held every summer and in November during Diabetes Awareness Month.  

  • Friday, May 31, 2024 Tammy Nguyen and Silvia Corvera Fat Tissue Plays a Central Role in the Aging Process Nature Metabolism

    Adipose (Fat) Tissue Plays an Important Role in the Aging Process

    Tammy Nguyen, MD, PhD, and Silvia Corvera, MD, published a review article in the journal Nature Metabolism that discusses the role of adipose tissue (fat tissue) in the aging process. As people get older age, fat tissue undergoes changes that can influence our metabolism, immune function, and even lifespan.  Drs. Nguyen & Corvera highlight that over time fat tissue loses its ability to store and release energy efficiently. It can lead to an imbalance in energy metabolism, contributing to conditions including cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes.

  • Tuesday, April 02, 2024 Michael Brehm, PhD

    Michael Brehm, PhD, Promoted to Associate Director

    Michael Brehm, PhD, Associate Professor of Molecular Medicine, The Harvey A. Shultz Chair in Diabetes, and co-director of the UMass Chan Humanized Mouse Core, was promoted to associate director of the Diabetes Center of Excellence (DCOE) at UMass Chan Medical School in March of 2024. In this role, Dr. Brehm will work alongside co-directors David Harlan, MD, and Dale Greiner, PhD, in leading our diabetes research efforts, including the production of human stem cell-derived islets in the Pappas Stem Cell Differentiation Core.

  • Thursday, March 28, 2024 Najihah Aziz Three Minute Thesis Winner

    Czech Lab PhD Student Najihah Aziz Wins Three Minute Thesis Competition

    Czech lab PhD student Najihah Aziz won first prize in a UMass Chan Medical School Three Minute Thesis competition. Her 180 second talk explained how brown fat could potentially be used to treat type 2 diabetes. 
  • Friday, March 01, 2024 Keri Walko-Henry, ATR, CCLS, LMHC

    Certified Child Life Specialists in Pediatric Diabetes Care

    A Certified Child Life Specialist supports diabetic children and their families working with the care team to provide age appropriate support and interventions at UMass Memorial Medical Center. 

  • Wednesday, January 10, 2024 Developing NAFLD Screening in the Clinic for People with Diabetes & Prediabetes

    Berkman Diabetes Clinical Innovation Grant to Develop Liver Screening in the Adult Diabetes Clinic

    Liver disease is strongly associated with type 2 diabetes and obesity. It remains underdiagnosed and undertreated and many people living with T2D are unaware they have it.  A new process has been implemented utilizing a screening tool in the UMass Memorial diabetes clinic that analyzes clinically available data to determine patient risk of liver fibrosis.  

  • Monday, October 16, 2023 Generation and Molecular Characterization of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Pharyngeal Endoderm

    Generation and Molecular Characterization of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Pharyngeal Endoderm

    The foregut endoderm contributes to several organs including the thyroid, lungs, liver, and pancreas. Approaches to study it has been impeded by lack of tissue access and cellular models. A protocol to develop human pharyngeal endoderm from stem cells was published by the UMass Diabetes Center of Excellence laboratories of René Maehr, PhD and Michael Brehm, PhD at UMass Chan Medical School. 

  • Friday, September 15, 2023 Nguyen Lab Finds a Distinct Class of Stem Cells  Develop from Yellow Bone Marrow in Humans

    Surgeon-Scientist Tammy Nguyen Found a Distinct Class of Stem Cells Develop from Yellow Bone Marrow in Humans

    The laboratory of vascular surgeon-scientist Tammy Nguyen, MD, PhD, developed a novel method in collaboration with Dr. Silvia Corvera’s lab to collect human stem cells directly from the bone marrow of people who underwent lower extremity amputations for non-healing wounds and grow them in her lab. Her research is examining why the immune cells of people living with diabetes behave differently than those without diabetes. In a newly published study, she identified that there are two different types of stem cell populations that are located within separate parts of bone marrow in the human leg. So far Dr. Nguyen has learned that stem cells derived from yellow/fatty marrow proliferate more and are more responsive. Currently she is asking additional questions in her lab to compare the marrow and immune cell development between people living with diabetes and those without diabetes.

  • Friday, June 16, 2023 Tree of Hippocrates in Kos

    Tree Connected to "Father of Medicine" Planted Between the UMass Chan Diabetes Clinic and Research Laboratories

    A branch from the “Tree of Hippocrates” from an Oriental plane tree on the island of Kos, Greece was planted on the UMass Chan Medical School campus.  According to legend, Hippocrates of Kos, who is considered to be the father of medicine, educated his students near the tree more than 2,500 years ago. Three Diabetes Center of Excellence researchers spoke at the planting ceremony. 

  • Wednesday, May 24, 2023 John Haley Metabolism Award

    John Haley Awarded Emerging Scientist in Metabolism Prize

    John Haley, a PhD candidate in the Guertin lab, was named the 2023 Emerging Scientist in Metabolism by Weill Cornell Medicine.  He was awarded the top prize in a national competition for senior graduate students who are conducting metabolism research. Haley plans to pursue post-doctoral training focusing on the intersection of metabolism and signaling.

  • Monday, November 06, 2023 Jennifer Cuddy Shrewsbury High School

    Shrewsbury High School Teacher Completes American Association of Immunologists Research Program at UMass Diabetes Center of Excellence

    Shrewsbury High School Chemistry teacher Jennifer Cuddy spent a second summer in the Diabetes Center of Excellence research laboratories thanks to an American Association of Immunologists High School Teachers Program in Immunology Award.  She participated in studies investigating the effects of human immune cells on stem cell-derived pancreatic islets. The program provided Ms. Cuddy with new skills that she can incorporate into her high school classroom.  

  • Monday, April 22, 2024 Diabetes Youth Transition Clinic

    Young Adult Clinic Pilot Program to Improve Diabetes Care at UMass Memorial

    The UMass Memorial adult diabetes clinic launched a Young Adult Clinic to help 18 to 26 year-olds who are struggling with any aspect of living with type 1 of type 2 diabetes. The care team includes an Endocrinologist, Nurse Practitioner and Diabetes Educator who explore the participant’s unique issues and create personalized care plans to help them achieve their health goals. Resources and peer to peer communication is included in the program.

  • Monday, March 27, 2023 Stem Cell Derived Islets at UMass Chan Medical School

    Researcher Spotlight: Sambra Redick, PhD - Creating Stem Cell-Derived Pancreatic Islets

    Sam Redick, PhD, led the effort to develop and grow stem cell-derived islets at the UMass Chan Diabetes Center of Excellence for various collaborative research projects, including genetically engineering them to become undetected by the immune system. Transplanting stem cell-derived into a person living with type 1 diabetes, without them requiring toxic immunosuppressive therapy, would be a life-changing curative therapy.  That is the core focus of the JDRF Center of Excellence in New England led by UMass DCOE co-director Dr. David Harlan. Learn more about Sam and her T1D research

  • Thursday, January 12, 2023 Humanized Mouse Immunotherapty Research Models

    New “Humanized” Mouse Model Supports Human Immune System Development and the Study of Human-Specific Innate Immunity in the Brehm & Greiner Labs

    This study conducted in the Brehm & Greiner labs and published in the The Journal of Leukocyte Biology describes the creation of a novel “humanized” mouse model that enables specific targeting of the human toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) pathway in mice. These molecules help the immune system recognize infections and other harmful threats. Their new model allows scientists to test therapies in a human specific manner and show treatment efficacy against a human tumor.

  • Thursday, January 05, 2023 UMass Chan Medical School Student Emilee Herringshaw

    UMass Chan Medical School Student Conducting Pilot Study to Analyze Skin Reactions to CGM at UMass Memorial Diabetes Center of Excellence

    Emilee Herringshaw is a UMass Chan Medical School student living with type 1 diabetes who is working towards a career in dermatology. She was awarded a clinical research grant by The American Contact Dermatitis Society to create a pilot study designed to evaluate skin reactions to continuous glucose monitors. Patients at the UMass Memorial Diabetes Center of Excellence are invited to participate and the data will be analyzed looking at all available devices, various scenarios & interventions.

  • Tuesday, January 03, 2023 Dr. Juan Ding provides diabetes eye exams at UMass Memorial

    Testing  Efficacy and Impact of an AI Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Program in Primary Care Clinics

    The fourth annual Herman G. Berkman Diabetes Clinical Innovation Fund grant was awarded to optometrist Juan Ding, OD, PhD and co-investigator James Ledwith, MD, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. Their project titled "Efficacy and Impact of Implementing an AI Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Program in Family Medicine Clinics" offers a path to identify eye disease and improve comprehensive care for people living with diabetes.

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