Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Education Guide
We understand this is an emotional time for you and your family. There's an overwhelming amount of information to digest. The following videos will allow you to learn at your own pace. View them as often as you'd like and pause & rewind whenever necessary.
Please watch the following videos in order:

Nasal Glucagon to Treat Severe Hypoglycemia
Nasal glucagon is administered as a spray into the nose to treat severe low blood sugar.
This new form of glucagon is approved for patients ages 4 & older. Your insurance company will decide if it's covered under your plan.
This short video explains how to use nasal glucagon.
This information is provided for patient education only. The content has been reviewed and approved by the UMass Memorial pediatric diabetes care team as an educational resource for our patients. This material does not represent endorsement of any vendor or product.