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Maximize Appointments With Your Diabetes Care Team

Sharing the reports of your insulin pump data before meeting with your care team helps to make the most of the time you spend with them.  It allows you to begin your appointment knowing where your diabetes management style stands. The reports provides both you and your care team the ability to track patterns and make adjustments to your therapy if needed. 

This information is provided for patient education only. The content has been reviewed and approved by the UMass Memorial Pediatric diabetes care team as an educational resource for our patients. This material does not represent endorsement or any vendor or product.


Upload the information in your pump or meter to the CareLink website, which can then be accessed and viewed by your UMass Memorial Diabetes Center of Excellence care team. Follow these step-by-step instructions - OR - watch this short video.


Use Glooko to upload your Omnipod data, which can then be accessed and viewed by your UMass Memorial Diabetes Center of Excellence care team. Download the Quick Guide - OR - watch this short video.


Upload your insulin pump data using the t:connect Diabetes Management Application, so it can them be accessed and viewed by your UMass Memorial Diabetes Center of Excellence care team. Download the Getting Started Guide - OR - watch this short video.

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