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Anne Moore

Type 1 Diabetes

Date Posted: Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Anne Moore celebrated her 50th diaversary in April of 2022. She’s thankful for “revolutionary improvements in type 1 diabetes (T1D) therapy” during her five decades living with the disease.

“I’m enormously grateful for all of the brilliant researchers who have conceived and developed new techniques and tools that improve the lives of people with this insidious disease,” she said.

Diagnosed in April 1972 at the age of 33, Anne feels the most frustrating part about of T1D is its unpredictability. “The variability of blood sugar behavior makes it difficult to manage,” she said. “It can be discouraging when you do everything by the book, but your blood sugars go haywire for seemingly no reason.” 

She was diagnosed while living in England with her husband and three small children. “My diabetes care at UMass Memorial began in 1981 with Dr. Aldo Rossini,” she recalls. “It was his persistence urging me to try an insulin pump that finally persuaded me to get one in 1985.”

Over the years, Anne has learned that greater discipline leads to better health outcomes. “Exercise and healthy eating habits that benefit people with diabetes are good for everyone,” she said.

She credits her husband for being an important part of her support system and appreciates her diabetes care team of Endocrinologist Dr. Samir Malkani and Nurse Practitioner Nancy Sidhom. “It’s a blessing to know that they have my back,” said Anne. “Their endless willingness to scrutinize my CGM graphs and reports to make minuscule adjustments to basal rates and boluses to improve my time-in-range is greatly appreciated. Their empathic encouragement is helpful and a great source of comfort. 

“Anne takes exceptional care of herself, and for as long as I’ve known her, she’s always had excellent control of her blood sugars,” said Sidhom.

She does yoga most days and walks daily. Anne and a friend are almost halfway through the Midstate Trail. She enjoys riding her bicycle on rail trails and bike paths during the summer and snowshoeing in the winter. 

“She takes a no-nonsense approach to her diabetes and life in general,” added Dr. Malkani.  “Anne has managed her diabetes extremely well without fuss or complaint for more than 50 years now.”

A 17-year veteran of the American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure fundraiser, Anne said, “I’m confident that a cure will eventually be found!”

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