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Bruno Graizzaro

Type 2 Diabetes Success Story


Bruno Graizzaro was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2006 at 50 years old.  He recalls how his father and grandmother lived with horrible complications caused by unchecked and untreated diabetes. “My family is a great motivator for me to stay healthy,” he said. “I often think about what they would do without me.”

His endocrinologist at the UMass Diabetes Center of Excellence (DCOE) is Dr. David M. Harlan. “When I first met Bruno in 2017 he was taking 100 units of insulin each day with suboptimal glycemia control," said Dr. Harlan. "His weight had crept to 300 pounds. With several lifestyle modifications, he lost 65 pounds, came off insulin and off of other diabetes medications, and now has great blood glucose control."  

Bruno has maintained the weight loss for nearly four years, including throughout the pandemic.  He says he sleeps better, has more energy and is "hardly recognizable" from the man who first walked into the DCOE clinic.  “Knowledge is king,” he says. 

Moderate exercise and cutting back on carbohydrates has allowed him to remain vigilant in fighting diabetes. “If you desperately want Mom’s apple pie, go ahead and have it," Bruno said with a smile.  "Just don’t combine it with a plate of fries and a large soda.”  

He recommends people with diabetes test blood sugars often, weigh themselves regularly and limit the amount of carbohydrates they eat.  “Don't think you're a failure if you have a bad day," he added. "Just get back to it.”

Bruno appreciates how Dr. Harlan listens to his patients and works with them instead of dictating to them, when it comes to diabetes management. “Besides his overall intelligence, Dr. Harlan is an extremely compassionate person,” he says. “I genuinely feel that he cares that I succeed.”

Bruno stressed that people living with diabetes must keep fighting, never give up and listen to their test results. “It is a quiet disease but your numbers will always tell you how you are doing.” He's maintained an A1c around 7% for the past four years.

Making lifestyle changes with diet and exercise has improved his life and hopefully will inspire and motivate others to succeed as well.

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