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Brian Prehna

Type 1 Diabetes Success Story

Brian was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) at 33 years old. He lived a healthy lifestyle and participated in CrossFit competitions, but quickly learned T1D is not preventable. The cause of the autoimmune attack on the body’s insulin producing cells is a question scientists continue to investigate.

After nearly five years with A1c test results above 9%, Brian watched the PBS documentary "Blood Sugar Rising: America’s Hidden Diabetes Epidemic.”

“It scared me straight,” he said. It showed people just like me, who had all types of complications from diabetes. They had made excuses and were filled with regret. It finally clicked that I needed to take control of my diabetes before it’s too late.”

Brian’s most recent A1c was 6.5% and his care team at the UMass Memorial Diabetes Center of Excellence (DCOE) is extremely proud of his efforts and success. “He’s had a transformative year and his blood sugars are outstanding,” said nurse practitioner Nancy Sidhom. “He implemented lifestyle changes and got results!”

Brian said he felt the way many people in the documentary did. “I figured I’m on an insulin pump, so I can eat and do whatever I want. But the numbers don’t lie.”

Brian wears an OmniPod pump and Dexcom continuous glucose monitor (CGM). He started using a FitBit and paying attention to the foods he eats, resulting in a loss of 15 pounds.

“It’s all diet,” Brian exclaimed. They even lowered my nighttime insulin and took me off my daily pill medications!”

Before the pandemic began, Brian was stressed at work, he ate poorly, and his blood sugars were out of control. His A1c was 8.7%. He began meeting with a health psychologist at the UMass DCOE clinic.  

“She’s incredible! Our meetings, both in-person and telehealth visits, helped me figure out so much about my life and plan action steps.” 

Brian learned to redirect his anxieties to be productive, instead of focusing on what he doesn’t have control over. “Our appointments also validated what I’m doing well.”

Brian now lives on Cape Cod but continues to receive his diabetes care at the UMass Memorial DCOE. He’ll combine annual in-person exams with regular telehealth appointments. “The support system they’ve provided me is the exclamation point in my head for the teamwork the UMass Diabetes Center of Excellence offers.”

He’s learned one of the most important lessons of living with diabetes, which is “the only person who can truly take care of me... is me.”

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