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Karen Wright

Date Posted: Sunday, July 01, 2018

Karen Wright was diagnosed with diabetes in 2003.  She was living in Florida at the time and was not able to afford insulin treatment.  Instead, several medications either did not help or made her ill from side effects.  With an A1c over 13%, Karen felt weak and tired and was underweight.

After moving back to the area in 2012, she began receiving care at the UMass Diabetes Center of Excellence.  Her A1c is currently at 7.2% and she credits her care team with “going above and beyond”.  Karen does not hesitate to call Dr. Malkani and her UMass team between scheduled appointments. 

“They are second to none. Supportive, caring, and always available when I have questions or concerns.”, she says.  “I feel like I now have more control over managing my diabetes than ever before.”

Karen acknowledges a very common frustration in the fact that diabetes can change from day to day, even when you are doing everything you are supposed to. “We have good days and bad days.  Diabetes can be insidious.  No matter how discouraged you get, you must stay proactive with your own care.” 

In addition to regular blood glucose testing throughout the day and multiple insulin injections, Karen credits a healthy diet and staying active as the key to her successful diabetes management.  

“Incorporating these needs into my daily schedule has helped it to become routine and a part of my 'new normal' life.”

Her motivation to stay healthy is that it helps to “better manage life's adventures and stresses,” and allows her to enjoy her children and grandchildren.

Karen is working hard to overcome an aversion to testing and injecting outside of her own home.  It has prevented her from accepting social invitations and has caused her to alter her schedule to avoid taking care of diabetes outside of her home. “This is going to be a big step for me and I am totally up for the challenge!”

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