PCBH Faculty
Ron Adler, MD
Ron is currently the Director of Quality Improvement for Primary Care for the UMass Memorial Healthcare system. He was formerly Medical Director of Hahnemann Family Health Center and Education Director for the same health center in the Worcester Family Medicine Residency. A family medicine physician, he is a graduate of Tufts University, UMass Chan Medical School and the Worcester Family Medicine Residency.
Katharine Barnard, MD
Katharine is a family doctor whose practice focuses on care of low-income families in the urban center of Worcester Massachusetts. She is a 2000 graduate of UMass Chan Medical School and in 2003 from UMass Family Medicine Residency. She especially enjoys care of multi-generational families, maternal-child health, and group medical visits.
Jeffrey Baxter, MD
Jeff is a Family Physician with fellowship training in Addictions Medicine. He is an Assistant Professor at the UMass Chan Medical School. His main clinical service site is the Family Health Center of Worcester, a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) serving a very diverse underserved population of patients. He is a graduate of Rochester University, Washington University School of Medicine (St. Louis) and the Worcester Family Medicine Residency.
Alexander Blount, EdD
Sandy is a psychologist and Professor of Clinical Family Medicine and Director of Behavioral Science in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. He is Past President of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, a national multidisciplinary organization promoting the inclusion of mental health services in medical settings and he is past Editor of Families, Systems and Health, the Journal of Collaborative Family Healthcare.
Carlos F. Cappas, PsyD, MBA
Carlos is the Chief Behavioral Health Officer at Lynn Community Health Center (LCHC). In his role, Dr. Cappas leads a team of over 70 behavioral health professionals, providing a comprehensive range of integrated behavioral health services in primary care and in School-Based Health Centers.
At LCHC, Carlos continues to evolve its behavioral health services through clinical and operational integration, adoption of integrated telehealth services, and the expansion of a behavioral health workforce pipeline to recruit and retain professionals in community-based settings.
Dr. Cappas is also a member of the Health Equity Compact, a statewide coalition seeking the advancement of health equity and just health outcomes in Massachusetts through transformational legislation, budget, and advocacy efforts.
A native of Puerto Rico, Carlos received his doctoral degree from Ponce Health Sciences University in Puerto Rico and is a graduate of the UMass Chan Medical School’s Fellowship in Clinical Health Psychology in Primary Care. He also holds a master’s degree in business administration from UMass Boston.
Warren Ferguson, MD
Warren has been named Outstanding Physician of the Year by the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers. He is a Family Physician and Vice Chair of the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. He has been Medical Director of two large FQHCs, Greater Lawrence Family Health Center and Family Health Center of Worcester. He regularly lectures and leads workshops on Cultural Competence in Massachusetts and nationally.
Paula Hartman-Stein, PhD
Paula is a clinical gero-psychologist who provides clinical services and cognitive wellness programs through her private practice, the Center for Healthy Aging in Kent, Ohio. Before working in specialty mental health, for ten years Dr. Hartman-Stein was the chief psychologist in the Departments of Medicine and Surgery at a teaching hospital in Akron, Ohio. Currently, she is Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Northeast Ohio Medical University, Senior Fellow at the Institute for Life-Span Development and Gerontology at the University of Akron, and Faculty Associate for the Nicholas A. Cummings Behavioral Health Program at Arizona State University.
Marie Hobart, MD
Marie is a Clinical Associate Professor at the UMass Chan Medical School and Chief Medical Officer at Community HealthLink.
Dan Mullin, PsyD, MPH
Dan is the Director of CIPC and an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health and is a behavioral health clinician at the Barre Family Health Center. He received his Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from Spalding University in October 2006 and completed his internship at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in the department of Family Medicine. Dr. Mullin then completed a two-year fellowship in Primary Care Family Psychology at the University of Rochester in the departments of Family Medicine, Medicine, and Psychiatry.
Christine Runyan, PhD
Tina is an Associate Clinical Professor at the UMass Chan Medical School, Department of Family and Community Medicine where she practices integrated care and teaches family medicine residents to work collaboratively delivering patient-centered primary care. Dr. Runyan also directs the APA-accredited post-doctoral fellowship in clinical health psychology in primary care. She spent six years on active duty in the US Air Force (USAF) as a psychologist where she served as the project manager for the USAF Surgeon General’s initiative that defined integrated care services for the Air Force Medical Service. Since leaving the USAF, Dr. Runyan has been a behavioral health clinician at two Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). Dr. Runyan received her PhD from Virginia Tech in 1998.
Peter Sell, DO
Pete is a pediatric hospitalist who completed one year of fellowship training with a concentration in pediatric critical care. He is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the UMass Chan Medical School and an adjunct Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at the Warren Alpert School of Medicine through Brown University. His main clinical service site is the UMass Children's Medical Center, where he sees patients in the general pediatrics, pediatric ICU and pediatric emergency medicine divisions. He is also seeing inpatient and ED consults for the Child Protection Program at UMass several days per week.
Jeanna Spannring, PhD
Jeanna is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine and is a Behavioral Health Consultant at the Benedict Adult Primary Care. She earned her PhD in Clinical Psychology from the Pacific Graduate School of Psychology at Palo Alto University in 2012. Jeanna completed a 2-year APA-accredited post-doctoral fellowship in Clinical Health Psychology at UMass.