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Selected publications:

  1. Y. Cho, S. Challa, D. Moquin, R. Genga, T.D. Ray, M. Guildford, F.K.M. Chan. Phosphorylation-Driven Assembly of RIP1-RIP3 Complex Regulates Programmed Necrosis and Virus-Induced Inflammation.  Cell 137: 1112-1123 (2009). PMCID: PMC2727676  (Highlighted by Faculty 1000 as “exceptional”).
  2. H. Zhang, X. Zhou, T. McQuade, F.K-M. Chan* and J. Zhang*.  Functional Complementation between FADD and RIP1 in Embryos and Lymphocytes.  Nature 471: 373-6 (2011).  PMCID: PMC3072026. * Co-corresponding authors  (Highlighted by Faculty 1000 as “Exceptional” and in the “top 2% of published articles in biology and medicine”).
  3. J. Li, T. McQuade, A.B. Siemer, J. Napetschnig, K. Moriwaki; Y.S. Hsiao, E. Damko, D. Moquin, T. Walz, A. McDermott, F.K-M. Chan and H. Wu.  The RIP1/RIP3 Necrosome Forms a Functional Amyloid Signaling Complex Required for Programmed Necrosis.  Cell 150, 339-350 (2012). PMCID: PMC3664196.
  4. K. Moriwaki, S. Balaji, T. McQuade, N. Malhotra, J. Kang and F.K.M. Chan. The Necroptosis Adaptor RIPK3 Promotes Injury-Induced Cytokine Expression and Tissue Repair.  Immunity 2014 Oct, 41:567-78. (recommended by Faculty 1000 as being of special significance)
  5. Mandal, P., Berger, S. B, Pillay, S., Moriwaki, K., Huang, C., Guo, H., Lich, J.D., Finger, J., Kasparcova, V., Votta, B., Ouellette, M., King, B.W., Wisnoski, D., Lakdawala, A.S., DeMartino, M.P., Casillas, L.N., Haile, P.A., Sehon, C. A., Marquis, R. W., Upton, J. W., Daley-Bauer, L.P., Roback, L., Ramia, N., Dovey, C.M., Carette, J.E., Chan, F.K.M., Bertin, J., Gough, P. J., Mocarski, E. S., Kaiser, W. J.  RIP3 induces apoptosis independent of pronecrotic kinase activity.  Mol Cell 2014 Nov, 56: 481-95. 
  6. Moriwaki K., Bertin J. Gough, P.J. and F.K.M. Chan.  A RIPK3-Caspase 8 complex mediates atypical pro-IL-1b processing. J Immunol. 2015 Feb 15; 194(4):1938-44.  PMC4324020. (recommended by Faculty 1000 as being of special significance)
  7. F.K.M. Chan, N.F. Luz and K. Moriwaki.  Programmed necrosis in the Cross Talk of Cell death and Inflammation.  Annu Rev Immunol. 2015; 33:79-106.  PMC4394030.
  8. Galluzzi L, Kepp O, Chan, FKM and Kroemer G.  Necroptosis: Mechanisms and Relevance to Disease.  Ann. Rev. Pathol. 2016 Dec 5 [Epub ahead of print].
  9. Moriwaki K, Balaji S, Bertin J, Gough PJ and Chan FKM.  Distinct kinase-independent role of RIPK3 in CD11c+ mononuclear phagocytes in cytokine-induced tissue repair. Cell Rep. 2017 Mar 7;18(10):2441-2451. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.02.015.