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Meet Our Fellows


Fellows 2024-2025

Asrar Ahmad

Asrar Ahmad, MD

Med School: Nishtar Medical College
Residency: Jefferson Abington Health, PA

Traveling different places, spending time with my daughter

Why did you choose UMass Chan for fellowship? It is a high procedural volume center and trainees get
exposed to a wide variety of pathology of coronary artery disease.

What are your favorite Central Mass activities? Taking scenic drives and exploring different state
parks with my wife and daughter.

Waqas UllahWaqas Ullah, MD

Hometown: Islamabad, Pakistan
Med School: Khyber Medical College, Pakistan
Residency: Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals, Philadelphia
Fellowship: Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals, Philadelphia

Hobbies/Interests: Hiking and cricket

Why did you choose UMass Chan for fellowship? UMass provides a high and complex intervention volume in a very supportive and collegial environment, that prepares you well for real world independent practice.

What are your favorite Central Mass activities? Experiencing amazing diners and charming and exotic restaurants.