An examination of the transition to employment among serious adolescent offenders making the transition into emerging adulthood (Stage 1) (Priority (b))

PI: Edward Mulvey, PhD (U.Pitt)

Investigators: C.Shubert (U.Pitt), Maryann Davis, PhD, Charles Lidz, PhD (UMass)

This is a secondary data analysis project which capitalizes on an existing, comprehensive, longitudinal data set from the Pathways to Desistance study to provide information about the processes of educational attainment and employment among adolescents involve with the justice system. Youth and young adults with serious mental health conditions who are involved with the justice system face considerable challenges completing their education and maintaining employment during this critical developmental period. This study serves as a cost-effective use of existing data to will paint a rich picture of the changes that occur in the lives of over 1,300 felony level offenders from approximately age 16-23 as well as to address unexamined issues about how to promote positive outcomes in this sample of adolescents.