Soliciting Speakers

Each meeting is a new opportunity for YAB members to learn about your organization, leaders, and projects! It is also an opportunity for presenters to benefit from the expertise of the YAB. To request speakers:

  • If needed, send a “Call for Speakers” through your organization at the beginning of each month (you may already have a schedule of folks who will present at meetings)
  • Have the lead YAB facilitator coordinate with interested speakers
  • Orient interested speakers that they should:
    • Respect the expertise of YAB members
    • Follow the same rules expected of members and facilitator(s)
    • Listen to board members more than speaking
    • Be open to feedback, whether they like it or not
    • Look to facilitators to keep the meeting running smoothly

For Example:

Each month we invite two speakers from our organization to present their research and solicit informed feedback from the YAB. Each presenter holds a 45-minute slot. Broken down that slot includes 5 minutes of introductions, 10 minutes to give a quick summary of the project/ their needs, 25 minutes of open discussion and questions, and 5 minutes of wrap-up and final thoughts.

Download the example Request for Presenters