Compensation & Invoicing

During each meeting one of the facilitators should take attendance to help track which members attended the meeting, and how long they stayed at the meeting. At the end of the meeting, you will want to begin the invoices for each member that joined. If your organization does not already have a procedure for invoicing in place, invoices should include the following information:

  • Name and address of the organization.
  • The name of the group (The YAB), and the department they are associated with.
  • The date and length of the meeting
  • The total amount of time a participant is getting paid for, and the rate of pay.
  • The participant’s full name, email, phone number, and their current address.

When invoicing:

  • Create invoices within 2 weeks after the meeting
  • Include any work outside of the meeting in the invoice
  • Send a copy of invoices to participants for review and approval
  • Submit the approved invoice to the appropriate group at your organization

Download the example Invoice