How to recruit young adults with mental health conditions

icon clipboard with handKeep in mind that youth and young adults are a diverse group of individuals that come from different backgrounds and communities, and experience a variety of mental health conditions. Recruitment is vital to setting the culture of your YAB. Think deliberately about the ways to reach large populations of young adults and utilize multiple recruitment methods such as:

  • In-person
    • Tabling at access centers, college campuses, your agency, schools, gyms, community centers, malls, multicultural events, relevant clubs, and conventions
    • Talking with people as they walk by and handing out information regarding your advisory board
    • Having current members present to, meet with, and answer questions for prospective members to help them get a feel for the YAB culture 
  • Social Media
    • TikTok, Facebook posts/groups/pages, X (Twitter), Instagram
    • Online survey links/QR codes
    • Having young adults make sure recruitment materials are relevant to your target audience
  • Word of mouth
    • Reaching out to others in your network through conversation, phone calls, and emails
    • Passing along the word to friends, family, and community leaders
    • Posting flyers on local community bulletin boards and college campuses

Youth face many obstacles and it is important to keep in mind that they may not always have access to the same resources, which is why it is important to utilize multiple platforms. Based on your organization’s needs and stakeholders, identify:

  • Required criteria for YAB members
    • Age (e.g., 18-30)
      • Note: If your organization wants to recruit YAB members under the age of 18, you will need to obtain permission from parents/guardians.
    • Mental health condition (self-disclosed)
    • State of residency (State-based or national YAB)
  • Desired attributes for YAB members include member diversity in the following areas:
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Race
    • Ethnicity
    • Sexuality
    • Education
    • Mental Health Condition
    • Socio-economic status

To attract young adults with mental health conditions your recruitment materials should specify that your organization is interested in:

  1. Learning about their lived experiences with mental health conditions.
  2. Receiving their feedback to your organization to make positive change.

Recruitment materials should explicitly state that your organization values diverse experiences and perspectives and are encouraging individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, or person of color (BIPOC), LGBTQIA+, and represent diverse socioeconomic and educational levels to apply.

  • Include optional questions in application and interviews asking about applicant’s unique experiences to help increase the diversity of board members.
  • Partner with cultural organizations and university groups/clubs for marginalized young adults to recruit diverse members. 
  • Inviting qualified members with diverse experiences and identities directly to apply.
  • Consider different languages during the recruiting and planning process, as well as when developing materials or budgeting. 

Informational Resources: